The country's very large special vehicle shared electrophoresis coating line put into production in Suizhou, Chengli Automobile Group

Rust prevention treatment has always been one of the key technologies in the manufacturing field of special vehicle industry. If the anti-rust treatment is done well, it is directly related to the service life of the products and also affects the environmental protection. A few days ago, the country's very large share of electrophoretic coating line in Suizhou City, Zengdu District, put into production, but also to drive the Suizhou special-purpose vehicle industry rust-proof treatment technology from pickling and phosphating process to the comprehensive upgrade of electrophoretic technology.
This production line is the first electrophoretic coating production line put into production in Suizhou City. In this 168-meter-long production line, there are 15 coating processes. Workpiece into the electrophoresis line, the liquid in the tank swing up and down, like swimming, full contact with the liquid, to remove the workpiece surface grease and impurities, and then into the electrophoresis paint tank, so not only construction speed, but also to make the product more attached to see, and greatly improve product quality!

General Manager Tan Hongbing of Chengli Supporting Guarantee Hubei Co., Ltd: "We are now this line of electrophoresis production line, it has three major advantages, the first product has a long service life, good corrosion resistance, its service life can reach more than 10 years, the second advantage is that it is highly efficient and environmentally friendly, production efficiency is very high, the utilization rate of raw materials can reach more than 98%, the use of waste is basically harmless, the third advantage is that we produce products with a very beautiful appearance. The third advantage is that the appearance of the products we produce is very beautiful.

After officially put into production, this electrophoresis coating line will achieve an annual production capacity of 150,000 tons, equivalent to the production of various types of special purpose vehicles about 50,000 sets of supporting volume to meet the Suizhou City, all the special-purpose automobile manufacturers electrophoresis coating needs Chengli Supporting Guarantee Hubei Co. After the completion of the line, we want to drive the entire Suizhou City, not only for our Chengli products to do services, but also for the entire Suizhou Specialty Vehicle also do a good job of supporting services.
It is understood that this advanced production line took one year to complete, an investment of 130 million yuan, for most of the small and medium-sized enterprises want to have electrophoresis production line, the pressure of capital investment is huge, and now there is a leading enterprise to provide a "shared kitchen", we are to the new energy, intelligent transformation of more power.

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