Chengli Group Won The National Honorary Title Of Advanced Private Enterprise In The “Ten Thousand Enterprises Helping Ten Thousand Villages” Targeted Poverty Alleviation Action

News from our newspaper  On November 12, the National “Ten Thousand Enterprises Help Ten Thousand Villages” Targeted Poverty Alleviation Action Site Exchange Meeting and Advanced Private Enterprise Commendation Meeting was held in Zhijin, Guizhou. Chengli Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd. and 100 companies nationwide Advanced private enterprises took the stage one after another and accepted the national honor medal.


Gao Yunlong, vice chairman of the CPPCC National Committee and chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. Guizhou Provincial Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Governor Chen Yiqin delivered a speech. Liu Xianfu, director of the State Council’s Poverty Alleviation Office, and Xu Yiding, vice president of the Agricultural Development Bank of China, delivered speeches. Xu Lejiang, Deputy Minister of the United Front Work Department of the Central Committee, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, Executive Vice Chairman, Chairman of the China Guangcai Association, leaders of Guizhou Province and some provinces across the country, and the main person in charge of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, the United Front Work Department, the Poverty Alleviation Office, the Guangcai Association, and the Agricultural Development Bank, Representatives of advanced private enterprises and responsible comrades of Guizhou province, city and county functional departments attended the meeting. Xie Jingrong, vice chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce and vice chairman of China Guangcai Association, presided over the meeting.


Liu Yongfu, director of the State Council’s Poverty Alleviation Office, said that after eight years of targeted poverty alleviation, especially five years of hard work, the rural poor under the current standards will all be lifted out of poverty. The country’s 832 poor counties and 128,000 poor villages will soon be removed. The "three guarantees" issue has been fully resolved, and decisive achievements will be made in the fight against poverty. The next step is to ensure a successful conclusion, strengthen summary and publicity, consolidate and expand results, establish a long-term mechanism, and continue to play a role in rural revitalization.


Since the launch of the targeted poverty alleviation action of “Ten Thousand Enterprises Helping Ten Thousand Villages” in 2015, Chengli Group has fully implemented the arrangements and deployments of the Federation of Industry and Commerce at all levels, actively participated in targeted poverty alleviation actions, through industrial poverty alleviation, employment poverty alleviation, consumption poverty alleviation, and public welfare poverty alleviation. A total of 7.5 million yuan has been invested in poverty alleviation funds, of which 3,284,800 donations to help poor villages develop industries, 540,000 yuan for international friendly assistance, 214,500 yuan for disadvantaged groups, 124,900 yuan for students in need, and other various public welfare donations More than 3 million yuan and so on. Xindong Village, Wandian Town, Suizhou, aided by Cheng Li, used roads, weir ponds, and reservoirs to develop characteristic agriculture. The entire village’s 320 villagers were lifted out of poverty; Cheng Li also co-founded India with Enshi Xuan’en Bachufeng Company. The company helped to integrate the industrial chain, so that it added more than 3 million yuan in special orders per year and created more than 100 new jobs. It solved the old problem of poverty due to lack of work and resettlement of poor families in Wujiatai.


Give full play to such aspects as the revitalization of the countryside, show responsibility, and make contributions.


Since the fight against the epidemic and the resumption of production in 2020, Chengli people have overcome difficulties and worked hard, and have achieved impressive results and won countless honors. Among them, as of November, the state-level honors showed the leading achievements of the four welcomes. After being awarded the advanced unit of the State Council in response to the new coronavirus, Chengli has successively won the national top 500 private enterprises and the leader of the red flag model class of party members. National Model Workers and Advanced Workers, National Advanced Private Enterprises of the "Ten Thousand Enterprises Helping Ten Thousand Villages" Targeted Poverty Alleviation Action.


Zhang Huosheng (sixth from left in the picture above), director of the service center of the General Manager's Office of the Group Corporation, attended the award ceremony on behalf of Cheng Li.

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