General Manager Cheng Aluo Attended the Mobilization Meeting for Provincial Private Enterprises to Help Rural Revitalization

On February 15th, Cheng Aluo, chairman of Chengli Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd., member of the Hubei Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and vice chairman of the Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, and general manager of Chengli Automobile Group, was invited to attend the province’s private enterprises to help rural revitalization and "Thousand Enterprises Revitalize Thousands of Villages" "Work mobilization meeting.


This meeting was organized by the Hubei Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, Provincial Party Committee Propaganda Department, Provincial Party United Front Work Department, Provincial Federation of Industry and Commerce, Provincial Poverty Alleviation Office and other departments directly under the provincial party committee and provincial government. Tulahong, Chen Liang, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Party Committee, and Fei Deping, Deputy Secretary-General of the Provincial Government attended the meeting.
Chairman Cheng Aluo, as the top ten pacesetters of the province's "thousands of enterprises to help thousands of villages" targeted poverty alleviation actions, made a typical and advanced deeds exchange speech at the meeting.

Chairman Cheng said that Chengli Group won national commendation in the previous “Ten Thousand Enterprises Helping Ten Thousand Villages” targeted poverty alleviation action. This time, in response to the national call, Chengli Group will demonstrate its responsibility and work hard in the provincial “Thousand Enterprises Rejuvenate Thousand Villages” activity to make Chengli contribution.

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