Jiangling Group Cooperated with Chengli Automobile Group to Open Isuzu Chassis Direct Supply Channel

News from our newspaper (correspondent Xiang Dong reported) On October 16, Xiong Ling, deputy general manager of Jiangxi Isuzu Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd. of Jiangling Motors Group, led Qin Qing, deputy manager of the key account department, Jiao Liang, regional manager, and sales supervisor of the key account department Zeng Yunlong, Commissioner Liu Zhiqing of the Key Account Department, Zhang Jinglin, Regional Manager of Hubei, and Xiong Zhangyin, Engineer of the Vehicle Engineering Department of the Product Development Center, and other business leaders and representatives went to Chengli Automobile Special Purpose Vehicle Co., Ltd. to implement the details of the strategic cooperation framework agreement signed by the two parties in the early stage. Open the direct supply channel for Isuzu chassis.
Cheng Aluo, general manager of Chengli Automobile Group Co., Ltd., Liu Feng, assistant to general manager and general manager of Chengli Chassis Sales Corporation, Hu Zizhong, assistant, and Xiang Dong, director of Jiangling Chassis Department, attended the business negotiation meeting.
Xiong Ling, deputy general manager of Jiangling Group Isuzu Motors Sales and Service Company, after listening to the summary of the work of General Manager Cheng Aluo, gave a relatively generous business policy to support Chengli Specialty Automobile to develop faster and better, from the chassis direct sales channel to Specific promotion measures have been implemented at multiple levels, including product categories and after-sales service.

After Jiangling Group and Isuzu Motors signed a chassis direct supply agreement with Chengli Automobile Group, the cooperation team of the two parties formally completed the prototype vehicle, special chassis development, announcement, modification and matching, Chengli outlets, and batch preparation at the end of the year. Work and make active preparations to seize the peak season of the beginning of next year.

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